Leading research to identify and understand care needs in Neurological Long-term Conditions
Neurological long-term neurological conditions comprise a diverse set of conditions resulting from injury or disease of the nervous system that continue to affect an individual for life. The neuro research team led by Professor Chris Kipps at Southampton University Hospital and University of Southampton are working together to identify and understand the care needs of people with neurological conditions including dementia, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Huntington’s disease and motor neurone disease. Our research covers two key areas: Improving care & Diagnosis and prognosis.
The care that people with long term neurological conditions require can vary over the course of the condition. Our research into improving care for people with long term neurological conditions sits within two broad areas; Quality of Life & Digital Care. Go to the Improving care page
New technologies, access to joined-up data, and novel computational modelling methods are improving our understanding of diagnosis and prognosis for people with long term neurological conditions. Our research is focussed on three key areas; Neuroimaging Methods, Biomarker Research & Data Modelling. Go to the Diagnosis and Prognosis page
Recent projects
Digital health platforms can improve care and support self-management, but only if they actually work and if people make use...
This study uses surveys and focus groups to identify the factors that help to maintain an individual’s optimal level of...
University Hospital Southampton utilises the patient online platform My Medical Record, enabling the sharing of relevant documents, addition of personal...
The use of e-health platforms is expanding rapidly, but their promise of more efficient and effective healthcare will not be...
The economic burden of long term neurological conditions pathways is difficult to quantify. With the ambition to deliver care differently...
During Covid non-face-to-face care increased significantly and was often replaced by digital care (phone, email, video, apps). As we continue...
Digital technology has the potential to help reduce variation in care, make care more personal, improve integration of care, identify...
An interdisciplinary collaboration with clinical, data and basic scientists from the Faculty of Medicine, Biological Sciences and University Hospital Southampton...
The CADI study was focussed on a service evaluation questionnaire to determine the use of perfusion SPECT imaging to influence...
The BRAIN AI study developes targeted inflammation and imaging biomarkers. A novel diagnosis support tool is being developed to facilitate...